
Ready to Assist 24/7

We’ll help you get up and running.

To report a claim or for all claims questions please call 1-800-934-3809


Commercial Claims

Trust our top-rated claims handling, and local people to help you with your claim from start to finish.


Auto Claims

For many of us, we rely heavily on our vehicles. After experiencing an auto accident, many of us can feel stressed about getting to work or medical appointments on time, picking our children up from school or daycare, or meeting other obligations that may require the use of our cars and trucks. Trust our helpful and local claims adjusters to help you get quickly back on the road again.

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Here’s what to do:

  1. Call an ambulance for any serious injuries.

  2. Avoid admitting fault at the scene and before your insurer has the opportunity to investigate the collision.

  3. Do not disclose your policy limits.

  4. Record the date, time, and location of the event.

  5. List the police department if a report is filed and any tickets issued.

  6. Note the year, make, model, color, license plate, and owner of other vehicles involved.

  7. Collect the other party’s information including insurance, policy number, and phone number.

  8. Collect the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all persons involved as well as any witnesses.

  9. Comply with state laws by filling out any required Motor Vehicle Accident Report.

  10. Report the accident immediately to Oregon Mutual’s Claim Reporting Center at 800-934-3809.

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Business Claims

Owning or running a business of any size in any industry has many upsides, from independence and flexibility to personal fulfillment. Should disaster strike, however, you may be left unprepared and stressing over how you’re going to rebuild your business.

Whether it be a covered loss regarding property, liability, cyber, or your commercial auto fleet, we are here to guide you through the claims process from start to finish. When protected by Oregon Mutual Insurance, you won’t have to navigate these unfortunate situations alone.

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Here’s what to do:

Should you find yourself facing a covered loss in your business or agribusiness, here’s what to do right away:

  1. Call your local authorities, if needed.

  2. Protect your business from further damage.

  3. Assess the exact nature of the damage.

  4. Prepare a list of lost or damaged articles.

  5. Do not discard any damaged property.

  6. Document the loss with photographs.

  7. Gather your policy information.

  8. Call your agent or our claims reporting center at 800-934-3809.